15 things remember if you want to live a peaceful life

In this century of rat race where competitive sword hangs over the neck, people are misery from anxiety, stress, and unhappiness.
It is very urgent to realize that there are certain matters beyond human control. There is no need for overthinking and sacrificing our health about the outcome. We should give our best efforts and leave the results to almighty.
Here, we have compiled 15 important reminders that anyone can print out and put on their work desk or any other place where they spend the most time at.
  1. Past is past, let it pass as it can not be edited
  2. Someone’s opinion about you does not define the reality
  3. Every eye has an individual perspective
  4. just respect every opinion, do not necessarily follow it though
  5. Time is the best healer
  6. Find happiness within
  7. Sit with winners, the conversation is different
  8. Be positive, think positive and you will see positivity all around you
  9. Be kind, it’s Free
  10. Learn how to say ‘No’
  11. You are as big as you challenge yourself
  12. You fail when you quit
  13. What goes around comes around
  14. You can’t please everybody
  15. On the other side of fear are success and happiness


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